Monday, June 13, 2011

Why Not Me?

I’ve always been intrigued by people who coupon. I’m especially curious when customers come through my check-out line with a handful of coupons and I see their totals shrink dramatically. I always think “Why not me?!”

So, why not me? I always thought couponing would be time consuming and not worth the hassle. However, I ended up scoring a couple free Sunday papers from work last week so decided to give it a try.

I noticed a coupon in RedPlum (6/5) for $2 off 1 Nivea Body Wash for Men. My husband uses Nivea so right away I was excited for saving just $2. However, since we were going to Target I wanted to check out their online coupons to see if I could score more deals. Low and behold Target had a coupon for $1 off Nivea Body Wash! YAY!

I quickly checked out Targets coupon policy online and they do, in fact, take one manufacture’s coupon (my RedPlum coupon) and one Target coupon per item.

Here’s how my first coupon adventure broke down:

Nivea Body Wash for Men - $3.04 at Target regular price (your Target prices may vary from mine)

Used Coupon: $2/1 Nivea Body Wash for Men from 6/5 RedPlum ad

Used Coupon: $1/ 1 Nivea Body Wash from

Paid: $0.20 (that includes my tax) for a 16.9 fl oz bottle!

I snagged four of those bad boys! So overall I paid $0.80 for 67.6 fl oz of body wash and it only took a couple minutes of my time! I instantly fell in love with coupons and now there’s no turning back. I’m a coupon-er for life. I’ll try my best to document my savings and I’ll try like heck to break down how I saved and pass said savings along to you.

I should be honest with you though. It wasn’t exactly smooth sailing. I had to do them in four separate transactions (technically, Target didn’t tell me this. I did it of my own free will because I was nervous and didn’t want the Target people to yell at me; which was silly of me because they were fantastically nice). I also had to tell the cashiers that the Nivea price tag read $3.04 instead of the $3.99 which it rang up as. They, of course, changed it right away without even blinking an eye.

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